Senator Jason Lewis Invited to Participate in White House Convening

BOSTON—State Senator Jason Lewis was invited by the White House to participate in a convening of state legislative leaders to discuss strategies to strengthen early childhood education and childcare. The convening, held at the White House on September 27, 2024, included state lawmakers and childcare advocates from 34 states who were joined by White House officials.

Massachusetts has emerged as a national leader on innovative strategies to make high-quality, affordable early education and care more accessible for young children and families. In the state’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget, the legislature invested more than $1.5 billion into this sector, including expanding eligibility for more families to access childcare subsidies and permanently funding the pandemic-era Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) operational grants for childcare providers.

Because of his leadership role in shaping early education and care policy and funding in Massachusetts, Senator Lewis was invited to speak on a panel at the White House convening about ways to expand access to childcare for working families.

“It was a memorable experience to be invited to the White House and I was thrilled to showcase the early education and childcare work that we have been doing here in Massachusetts,” said State Senator Jason Lewis, who serves as the Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Education. “Access to high-quality, affordable early education and childcare is essential for the healthy development of young children, as well as for the economic well-being of working families and employers in Massachusetts and across the United States.”