Poetry Open Mics EVERY MONTH at Whitelam Books

Reading, Massachusetts – Whitelam Books is delighted to announce a monthly Poetry Open Mic Night Series beginning on Thursday, September 26 from 7:00 – 8:00 PM.
Whitelam Books has been holding Poetry Open Mic Nights for years. Over the past twelve
months, attendance has grown as a core group of local poets have begun to regularly
participate. According to Liz Whitelam, owner of Whitelam Books, “It became clear there was a
desire for a space in the community to regularly share poetry. Part of our core mission is to
support writers and create a space that celebrates language. I’m delighted to announce a
monthly series of Poetry Open Mic Nights at Whitelam Books beginning on September 26.”

Whitelam Books Events Coordinator Jeanne Dennehy adds, “One of the best parts of attending
our Poetry Open Mic Nights has been seeing an increase in young writers coming out to share.
We’ve had many teen poets read. It’s inspiring to hear and support these fresh, young voices.”
Poetry Open Mic Nights are open to all and will typically be held on the fourth Thursday of the
month from 7:00 – 8:00 PM. Poets and residents should check whitelambooks.com to verify
dates and times. The first Poetry Open Mic Night of the new season will be on Thursday,
September 26 from 7:00 – 8:00 PM. This event is free and open to the public. Folks can bring
their own original poetry or share a poem by a favorite poet. People are also invited to attend
just to listen and enjoy a unique evening celebrating creativity, community, and language.
Whitelam Books is located in downtown Reading at 610 Main Street, near the intersection of
Haven Street and Main Street. Details for this and all special events can be found at
whitelambooks.com or by following Whitelam Books on social media.