Local Experts to Discuss Helping Immigrants in Our Community

Lynnfield, MA — Marjean Perhot of Catholic Family Services and Natasha Soolkin of the New American Center will address the influx of immigrants into Boston and the North Shore. The meeting is taking place on Nov. 15 at 7pm and all are welcome to attend either in person at the Al Merritt Center, 600 MarketStreet, 2nd floor or via Zoom.

Click the registration button on their homepage to register: lynnfielddems.com

The event is sponsored by the Lynnfield Democratic Town Committee (LDTC) and they’ll be collecting and distributing in-kind donations of grocery store gift cards, diapers (sizes1-5), baby wipes and feminine hygiene products (the most requested items). Donations can be brought to the meeting.

For additional information, contact Linda Duchin at 781-334-5492 or email lynnfield.democrats@gmail.com