Reading, MA — Calling All New Reading Residents! If you moved to Reading in the past 12 months, we invite you to check out our annual town celebration – the Fall Street Faire! Held on Sunday, September 12 from 1-5 pm, the Fall Street Faire is a great way to meet your neighbors and learn about the community.
While there, be sure to visit the Town of Reading booths. Each Town department will answer a question about the Town on our New Resident Scavenger Hunt. Finish the scavenger hunt and be entered to receive a New Resident Tote Bag courtesy of the Reading-North Reading Chamber of Commerce. The bag will be filled with handy town info and gifts from local businesses to help you settle in. One welcome bag per family. Bags will be available for pick up at the Library in late September.
Please contact the Library at rdgadmin@noblenet.org or 781-942-6702 with any questions about the New Resident Scavenger Hunt.