Rep. Haggerty Joins Local and State Officials at MVES Legislative Breakfast

MALDEN – State Representative Richard M. Haggerty (D-Woburn) joined fellow legislators, mayors, and community members including Chris Kowaleski, Elder/Human Services Administrator from Pleasant Street Center, Reading at the Mystic Valley Elder Services (MVES) annual Legislative Breakfast.

“It’s great to be here with Chris, Brian and other state and local officials at this important event,” said Representative Haggerty. “It was invaluable to hear directly from MVES leadership, staff and seniors like Victor Rodriguez about the incredible work MVES does and the important role they play in supporting our community’s seniors and their families. Our seniors deserve to age gracefully with dignity and have access to resources so they can continue to be active members in our community while receiving the support they need.” 

The event highlighted MVES’s budget requirements, legislative priorities, and crucial services offered to older adults, including home care, hospice support, and residential assistance. The breakfast also featured Victor Rodriguez, a program beneficiary, who shared personal testimony about the positive impact MVES has had on various aspects of his life. MVES continues to deliver important services to Reading residents throughout the year. Brian Snell, former Reading resident, serves as MVES board chair.

Pictured (l-r) Representative Haggerty, Chris Kowaleski Elder/Human Services Administrator (Pleasant Street Center), Lisa Gurgone, Chief Executive Officer of MVES, and Brian Snell, MVES Board Chair.