Candidates Debate Town Projects, Fiscal Responsibility, and Leadership at Public Forum

Reading, MA — The four candidates for two seats on the Select Board met at the Reading Public Library on Wednesday for a forum on the issues hosted in a joint effort by the Democratic and Republican Town Committees. The forum, moderated by Jennifer Hillary, featured questions by Bob Holmes of the Daily Times Chronicle.
Melissa Murphy is the incumbent and has served on the Select Board since being elected in a special election last spring. She shared that during her time on the board, she has helped guide reasonable compliance with the MBTA Communities law, aided in the establishment of second water meters for residents, worked towards a resolution on the parking kiosks in the downtown, and been a voice for moderation, transparency, and collaboration on the board.

Murphy supports the building of pickleball courts on Symonds Way, stating that they will be in the “perfect location” and will be a huge asset to the town. She would like to see these built without additional borrowing and suggests that the cost can be contained through compromises in the design.
Murphy supports the building of a Reading Center for Active Living (ReCal). “We need a solution for our seniors,” Murphy stated. She expressed concern over the scope of the project, which is increasing costs to the taxpayers. Murphy suggested that costs for the project need to be offset, possibly through the use of the Pleasant Street Center (PSC). She also suggested that the number of circuit breakers for seniors could be increased to help allow seniors to age in place. If the project were not to pass on May 13, she suggested that the project could be reworked at a lower cost and resubmitted to the voters.
Murphy believes that the Town Manager has made “huge improvements” since his review and that his goals for the first year may have been too challenging. “He wants to be [in Reading],” Murphy added.
Anthony D’Arezzo is a thirty-year resident of Reading who has served periodically on Town Meeting during that time. He is an information technology professional who spent seven years on the Community Planning and Development Commission. He believes in the importance of researching facts before making decisions and stated that as a member of the board, he would focus on what was needed to complete the task at hand.

D’Arezzo believes that the cost for pickleball courts was higher than expected but believes that the proposed design would be a good value and last for a long time. “Working together, we can get the cost down,” D’Arezzo stated.
D’Arezzo noted that the town has a history of using assets “to the very end and then some” in reference to the current PSC. He supports the ReCal project, suggesting that voters need to consider the cost of paying a mortgage, whose cost is a smaller percentage of their income over time, and not balk at the initial sticker shock. “[The project] needs to pass,” D’Arezzo shared.
D’Arezzo believes that the Town Manager is doing “OK” and believes that he is capable of improving in the areas that were pointed out in his one-year review by the Select Board. He concluded by noting that whoever gets elected to the board will work for everyone in town, must realize the interconnected consequences of decisions that are made, must be a person of integrity and be a leader “24-7.”
Karen Rose-Gillis is a thirty-one-year resident of Reading with a degree in economics who is a long-time law firm employee. She served on the Parking Advisory and Recommendation Committee and believes she will bring a fresh perspective and positive attitude to the board.

Rose-Gillis believes that the price for the pickleball courts is too high and suggested that proponents of the project “have some work to do.” She stated that she is “fully in support” of the ReCal project, stating that it poses “endless opportunities” for the town. She referred to the proposed building as well thought out and suggested that a new center could get double or triple as much use as the current PSC.
Rose-Gillis suggested that voters consider the virtue of “paying it forward” for future generations when considering the cost of the ReCal project in the voting booth, sharing that she trusts the town’s financial officers to handle the financing. She expressed concern over using free cash reserves for the project. If ReCal were not to pass, she suggests reworking the project to move the town forward, not only for the thousands who use the current PSC but for the thousands who currently do not make use of it.
Rose-Gillis believes that the Town Manager seems invested in Reading and is satisfied with his one to two-year learning curve in his new role. She concluded by sharing that she would have a goal of expanding the town’s volunteer base.
Christopher Cook works as a regulator for the Massachusetts Division of Banks and stated that he would bring a level of financial acumen to the board. He would seek a balanced approach to issues, helping provide residents with the best services while remaining cognizant of increasing costs.

Cook believes that the pickleball courts could be a “real asset” for the community while noting that the proposed price is the “all-in” price and can be reduced. He also noted that the pickleball community in town has already raised $200,000 for the project.
Cook supports the ReCal project and would look for ways to offset the “soft” costs of the project, possibly through the use of the current PSC. He expressed concern about the use of free cash for the project given the need for free cash to “plug holes in the [operating budget’s] structural deficit.” If the ReCal project is unsuccessful at the polls, he suggests analyzing voter turnout and the margin of defeat before going back, lowering costs and trying again.
Cook shared his belief that the Select Board made the correct choice in retaining the Town Manager and that he will earn a longer-term contract after the next review period. He believes the town requires strong leadership on the Select Board to take direct action to get the annual budget “under control.” He hopes to offer the board a fresh perspective and an open mind.
Early voting in the local election begins on March 29 at Town Hall during regular business hours and will continue through April 4. The election will conclude on April 8 at the Hawkes Field House. Polls open at 7:00 am and will remain open until 8:00 pm.