How You Can Save Energy and Money This Year

My name is David Talbot and I’m running for re-election to the Reading Municipal Light Department (RMLD) Board of Commissioners. RMLD is the electric utility serving Reading, Wilmington, North Reading, and part of Lynnfield.
To minimize your electricity costs and reduce waste and emissions, you can take action to reduce power consumption, especially during peak times. (Click to learn more.) Please also sign up to receive alerts when power demand is peaking. Then, when you get the alerts, take action to reduce consumption during the specified times.
Consider exploring RMLD’s Energy Efficiency Programs, which, for example, includes a rebate of $600 per kilowatt of installed solar generation. A typical rooftop system might get you a $3,000 rebate. Because power costs are rising, so is the value of such installations. Our family used this program a few years ago and is very happy with the results.
But if you are also a local natural gas customer (National Grid), you’ll find a wider range of opportunities to save energy and money through the Mass Saves program. You’ll end up saving on your total gas and electricity spending.
RMLD cannot match what Mass Saves offers, so start there if you have gas service. A few months ago we got our attic super-insulated and weather-sealed at no cost through Mass Saves. You can get started by booking a Home Energy Assessment.
This April 8, I and Rich Swanson are on the ballot for the two open seats on the RMLD Board. Our Board- rounded out by Bob Coulter, Pam Daskalakis, and Ray Porter- provides oversight and tries to keep costs down to minimize rate hikes. We’re also moving to cleaner energy sources. (RMLD exceeds the state’s current requirements for noncarbon power.) We get important input from a Citizen’s Advisory Board (CAB) made up of representatives from the four towns, with Wilmington the largest source of RMLD’s electricity demand.
I would like to thank the retiring Phil Pacino for his many years of service on the RMLD board–and also thank the departing Dennis Kelley for his long service on the CAB for Wilmington. I have learned a great deal from them.
With that I extend a warm welcome to Rich as he prepares to join the RMLD Board. Thank you for your vote on or before April 8 and for taking steps to reduce energy consumption, waste, and emissions.
David Talbot
Linden Street