The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post. editor@thereadingpost.com
This LTE is in response to LtE: Why are RMLD vehicles promoting Anti-Government Militias?
I didn’t know this 3% organization existed until I read this LTE. So, I googled it saw that Wikipedia and other sites list them as a far-right anti-government militia. I then took a look at their website and discovered (copied and pasted from their site) the following:
- We are ARE NOT a militia.
- We are NOT anti-government. In fact, WE LOVE YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE we are very pro-government, so long as the government abides by the Constitution,
- We do not seek to incite a revolution. However, we will defend ourselves when necessary. We are not here to create violence. Violence should always be a last resort and even then should only be defensive in nature.
In case anyone would like to fact check the above three points or research further, please check out their web site at https://www.3percenters.org/
I don’t see a problem with this group or anyone who supports their views.
Our energies would be best served worrying about the business of Reading, MA. Through the voices and hard work of our residents, we have successfully stopped the MBTA turnaround project and sent a minimum compliant plan to the state for the MBTA Communities Plan. Now there are two major building projects on the agenda and several other wants and needs that have to be addressed.
Daniel Dewar
Main St
Town meeting Member
Precinct 3