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To Select Board Members, Reading Residents:
I am concerned over the total cost of the ReCal proposal for building a new senior center, along with the Killiam rebuild, currently at $30 million and $130 million respectively. As John Sasso stated in his letter to The Post, Reading is not known for coming in under budget.
I believe both Killiam school and the senior center can be scaled back to what is actually needed rather than the dream proposals residents have been encouraged to want. I do not understand why Killiam is being prepared to absorb both Rise and PreK when there is currently sufficient space within the other schools. I also do not understand why, at this time, we need a full gym, including pickleball space, and an indoor walkway at the new senior center. Nor do I understand moving the Recreation Dept. and Veteran’s affairs into the proposed senior center. The original intent was to build an adequate senior center. It has turned into a Senior Center/Community Center/Town Hall extension. I agree the current plans look wonderful but do not feel they are a necessity as designed. Perhaps a design with a future expansion at a more suitable time is more appropriate.
At the last town meeting two members expressed concern that their adult children cannot afford to move out on their own and are living in their basements and now we are living in a very unstable time both politically and financially due to recent government closures and personnel firings. I fear taking on such debt when thousands of homeowners are at risk of losing their homes.
John has made some valid suggestions to make this project more feasible and I am suggesting doing the same at Killam. Please do not vote in support of these projects as they stand.
Barbara Melanson
Haverhill Street