Reading, MA — Over the weekend of November 1-3, 2024, Reading Scouts and their families gathered in the Town Forest for the annual Turkey Jam celebration. This was the 51st year of the tradition which has been a favorite for many Scouts and families over the years. A former Scoutmaster who was hiking through the woods and stopped by the event said, “I am so happy to see this tradition continue. My kids did this in the ’90s, and it’s such a rich part of Reading Scouting.”

“OMG, I had no idea it would be this awesome; seriously, wow.” said a Pack 733 Webelos Mom and first-time attendee to Turkey Jam. Scouts had the opportunity to work on many outdoor skills, including building and crossing a monkey bridge, tomahawk target practice, climbing a warped wall, and other activities. When asked what their favorite activity was, one first-time Cub Scout attendee said, “First Aid! Because you never know when you’ll need to help someone!”

Everyone pitched in for dinner, where attendees enjoyed 185 lbs of turkey (six fried and eight roasted,) 60 lbs of potatoes, 50 lbs each of butternut squash and sweet potatoes, four gallons of gravy, 25 lbs of carrots, and 24 bags of stuffing. Dinner was topped off with 30 pies, including pumpkin, chocolate cream, and apple, all with whipped cream, of course. All served in the middle of the Reading Town Forest with temporary kitchen facilities overseen by professional chefs. Don’t forget lunch service for 80 (hot dogs, PB&J, chicken soup with chips, and a variety of granola bars and snacks.) Rita Toscano, a volunteer who has been running the Turkey Jam kitchen for six years, said, “It’s actually very easy because it’s a huge team effort. And the team is amazing.”

This year, the traditional bonfire was replaced by portable heaters because of the state-wide fire ban. But that didn’t dampen the excitement as Scouts and families created a “flameless fire” in the Council ring and gathered around for songs, stories, and celebration.
The Friends of Reading Scouting is a group of parent volunteers and trained Scout Leaders committed to providing high quality Scouting for families and youth. You can find more information, find a Pack or Troop to join, or support local Scouting at our website,