Reading, MA — Already Voted #1 memorial box in Reading, The Tamar Bucci Foundation Memorial box in Reading Square is a beautiful sight this holiday season. The father of fallen state trooper Tamar A Bucci, Anthony J. Bucci, hand-crafted a Xmas tree out of reclaimed wood and beautifully decorated it. When asked about it, Mr Bucci commented, “ I didn’t want to buy a Xmas tree and plant it in the box; Tamar was way too special for that; she deserved me taking the time to make her something with my love to honor her memory. My foundation may be small, but we are doing big things in Tamar’s name to honor her, so she will never be forgotten.”

In 2024, the Tamar Bucci Foundation proudly donated a beautiful motorized wheelchair to Marie from Swampscott, who suffers from neurological deficiencies and cannot walk. The Foundation also donated a manual wheelchair to recipient Debbie in Wakefield. In Tamar’s honor, the foundation aims to help those in need. The foundation is accepting donations to build a park in Tamar’s name where children can play, dogs can roam in the dog section, and people can work out in the workout area. Donations can be made at