Reading, MA — Creative Arts presents “A Christmas Carol” Creative Arts and the First Congregational Church of Reading’s 2nd annual co-production of “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens will perform during FCCR’s Annual Cookies & Cocoa event taking place on the same day as the Reading Annual Tree Lighting event on the town common.
Audiences are invited to attend this FREE PERFORMANCE in the sanctuary at the FCCR, which is stroller and wheelchair accessible. The performance is only 30 minutes long. Join us at 25 Woburn Street in Reading.
The cast includes local Reading residents Ingrid, Tay, and Peter Rhoads, Matthew Garlin, Esme Moss, and Ethan Dill.
Rounding out the cast are: John Murtagh as Scrooge, John Pease as Jacob Marley (and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Be), Matthew Garlin as Bob Cratchit, Steve Bermundo as Fred, Eveline Putnam as The Ghost of Christmas Past, Spencer O’Dowd as the Ghost of Christmas Present, Tay Evans-Rhoads as Mrs. Cratchit. Sebastian Putnam as Peter Cratchit, Esme Moss as Martha Cratchit, Ingrid Rhoads as Belinda Cratchit, Allison Ruddman-Putnam as Mrs. Fezziwig, Christian Moll as Belle, Spencer Moll as Young Scrooge, Peter Rhoads as Old Joe, Heather Rotundi as Mrs. Dilber, Maya Concepción as Lilly, Fred’s Wife, and Ethan Dill as Tiny Tim. The production is directed by Andrew Rhodes.
“A Christmas Carol” is free and open to the public. For more information, you may contact the Creative Arts office at (781) 942-9600 or director@weteachcreativearts.org.
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Located in Reading Center since 1978, Creative Arts is non-profit arts school that offers private and group lessons in theater, music, and art for all ages and all abilities year-round. We always have vacation week programs in December, February, and April, and our 10-week Summer Programs. Our main entrance is at 32 Lowell Street / Route 129, behind Reading Town Hall and has a free parking lot. A second entrance is located near 48 Sanborn St., where street parking is available. Our building is wheelchair and stroller accessible. Handicap parking is available at both of these entrances.
For more information contact Creative Arts at info@weteachcreativearts.org or call 781-942-9600.