LtE: Feedback on Parking Kiosks from First Day Rollout

The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post.

I was in Reading for a family visit and brought a senior to CVS on the first day of the kiosk rollout. I was grateful and pleased to see that there was assistance with the rollout; that the senior was able to easily learn the process; and that stated concerns about mobility access had been considered and incorporated by making disability placard parking free without use of kiosk or app.

I would suggest that any future improvement in signage include the suggestion to use a cell phone to take a picture of the license plate for use at the kiosk. And I cannot speak to the concerns and experience of retailers. I don’t think an evaluation of whether something is working as intended or has room for improvement is at all a bad thing – I’d love to see more legislation come with sunset dates or at least a requirement of evaluation for unintended consequences as a condition of renewal! However, I commend the town on its onboarding process for residents and visitors.

Well done and thank you,

Nona Childress
Salinas, CA