Statement from Senator Lewis on Ballot Question 3

I will be voting in favor of Ballot Question 3 that will enable rideshare drivers in Massachusetts to form a union and collectively bargain for better pay, benefits, and working conditions.

I have been championing legislation very similar to Q3 for the past four years in the state legislature. Rideshare drivers (and other gig economy workers) are unable to organize a union under current federal or state law. This means that they have very little ability to impact how they are compensated or treated by rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft. As a result, these companies have been mistreating drivers — giving them a smaller and smaller share of the fares paid by riders; providing minimal, if any, benefits like healthcare or retirement; and deactivating drivers without any fair appeals process. The rideshare companies do not pay into the state’s unemployment insurance or workers compensation systems like other responsible employers do.

Passage of Q3 will create a sector-based bargaining system that will be a model going forward for other types of exploited gig workers to also be able to organize to improve their pay and working conditions. Q3 will not impact the employment status of rideshare drivers or their flexibility to drive when and where they wish.

State Senator Jason Lewis