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To the Editor,
The Finance Committee Appointment Committee met Tuesday, June 25, to appoint 3 members for a three-year term. The Committee is chaired by the Town Moderator Alan Foulds, with the Select Board Chair and FinCom Chair as members. What was notable about the meeting was Select Board Chair Carlo Bacci’s attempt to block FinCom member Joe Carnahan’s reappointment to FinCom.
Mr. Bacci read from text messages recently made public, which Mr. Carnahan texted to former Select Board member Jackie McCarthy. Mr. Bacci stated that there were “no direct threats.” Mr. Bacci asked Mr. Foulds if he was OK with Town Meeting members being the subject of insinuations, and then Mr. Bacci added, “Never mind whether we can prove it or not.” It appears that in Mr. Bacci’s legal world, one is guilty until proven innocent.
Mr. Carnahan admitted that there was a miscommunication between himself and Ms. McCarthy, and he was not even aware that their conversation may have bothered her until much after the fact.
FinCom Chair Ed Ross stated that nothing he read of Mr. Carnahan’s text messages constituted a threat and that Mr. Carnahan has been an excellent member of FinCom.
Mr. Foulds next responded to Mr. Bacci’s dubious charges, and this is what the Town Moderator said, “I don’t see what Joe did that is not consistent with what any resident could do. Everyone has a right to address elected officials. I don’t see it as a threat.” After Mr. Bacci continued to press Mr. Foulds several times, Mr. Foulds told Mr. Bacci, “I don’t agree with your premise, or anything you said… I don’t see anything he did as a problem.” Mr. Foulds praised Mr. Carnahan and the work he has done on the Finance Committee, and wished to see that continue. This is so far from Select Board member Chris Haley’s false accusations of blackmail and extortion.
Mr. Carnahan was reappointed with a vote of 2-1, and Mr. Ross implored Mr. Bacci to “move on.”
In his first term, Mr. Bacci often used his vote to appoint citizens to boards and committees in a political manner, bringing up comments applicants had made on facebook that he disagreed with, disregarding the roles of committees, and overlooking qualified candidates, as he did recently with the hugely important CPDC, against the CPDC Chair’s recommendation, and he has done to me. With Mr. Haley and Ms. Murphy voting with Mr. Bacci, more appointments are being made for personal political motivations, without regard for qualifications and ability to serve on the specified committee.
Select Board Chair Bacci’s “Committee Appointments – the Revenge Tour” continues tomorrow morning at a 9:30 am at a Select Board meeting with this agenda item: Killam School Building Committee: (1) discuss rationale for replacing the current Select Board representative to the KSBC; and (2) consider and vote to nominate or appoint new Select Board representative to the KSBC.
Ms. Karen Herrick, Select Board Vice-Chair, serves as the Select Board representative to the Killam School Building Committee and has stated that she was not aware that this item was to be placed on a future meeting agenda. The Select Board does not normally discuss and vote on a matter in the same meeting. Select Board member Chris Haley is a stickler for this policy, and mentions it often. I fully expect Ms. Herrick to be removed from the KSBC in a quick discussion and vote, with no objection from Mr. Haley to the discussion and vote happening in the same meeting, by 10:35. I have started a pool, venmo me $5 with the time you think the vote will happen, the reason you think the Select Chair will give for the removal, and I will announce a winner Friday.
But seriously… the Town of Reading has a new Town Manager and a new Assistant Town Manager, who need guidance from the Select Board. We have so many issues before us, from MBTA Communities zoning to a new Killam School. A decision needs to be made about the right approach to a Senior Center/Community Center, we have another large development at the corner of Main Street and Pinevale, and other issues. We need Select Board members who are working for the good of the Town, and not their own special interests; who are not licking their wounds to the detriment of the Town.
Mr. Bacci, removing informed, dedicated, and productive members from boards and committees is potentially significantly damaging for the citizenry who just want to pay their taxes and have their government work for them, not for your political revenge. Do the right thing. Mr. Bacci, can we move on and can you work for the Town you have been elected to serve?
Angela F. Binda
Orchard Park Drive
26 year resident
18 year Town Meeting member – precinct 5
Vice-Chair Recreation Committee
Former Historical Commission member