Reading, MA — Last Friday evening, Reading Pubic Schools held commencement exercises for the Reading Memorial High School Class of 2024. The ceremony was held outside on John Hollingsworth Field.
As students marched into the stadium, the high school band, conducted by Joseph Mulligan, played the iconic “Pop and Circumstance.” RMHS Principal Jessica Hallahan acknowledged the class achievements, welcomed the crowd, and thanked the staff and teachers who made the event possible. Student Council President Jacqueline Berner led all in attendance with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the National Anthem sung by RMHS Choral Seniors.
Remarks by Class President – Bridget Patterson

Dr. Milaschewski, Ms. Callanan, members of the school committee, teachers, family, friends and most importantly the class of 2024, it is an honor to be able to address you today. I want to thank my family, most importantly my parents and brother, friends, and teachers who have helped me get to where I am today.
Before I begin I want to take a moment to congratulate my classmates on this amazing accomplishment. It’s crazy to think that four years ago we walked through the doors of this school as nervous freshmen, and today we are graduating ready to take on all the possibilities life has ahead of us. I truly feel as a class that we have left a positive mark on RMHS, and I hope that many of you have created memories here that will last a lifetime. [Read Full Speech]
Salutatorian Address – Caroline Gallegos

Good evening, family, friends, staff, and fellow graduates. My name is Caroline Gallegos, and I am honored to be speaking to you all today as the class salutatorian.
Before I begin, I want to thank my mom, who is the most excited about me graduating since she no longer has to edit my papers the night before they are due (or, in this case, a graduation speech). I also want to thank my grandmother for her daily reminders of her support and love, and I want to thank the rest of my family and friends, who I couldn’t have done high school without. [Read Full Speech]
Valedictorian Address – Maureen Manning

Good evening and congratulations to the class of 2024! It is an honor to address you all here today as we celebrate the end of our high school journey and the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.
I have always been the kind of person that wanted to do everything. Throughout my life I’ve tried just about every single hobby and activity you can imagine. When I didn’t have something that challenged me, I would challenge myself by filling every moment of my life with something else to do. And that’s not to say I didn’t enjoy all of the things I was doing, but I pulled myself in every direction in the hopes of finding something that I was really invested in. [Read Full Speech]
Valedictorian Address – Hannah Wiggins

Hello everyone. It’s an honor to be standing in front of you today as we close out the last four years. To start, I’d just like to thank all of the teachers, faculty, family and friends who have supported us throughout high school, and of course the band and chorus for being here today to send us off. Today is a day for celebration, but it comes with sadness as well. I’d like to take a moment to remember Theo Freedman, who sadly passed away at the beginning of our junior year.
I was never super close with Theo, but we grew up together. In second grade we were in the same class and I remember we sat next to each other for a few months. One day I remember him waving his pencil to make it seem like it was bending. He tried to teach me how to do it, but to this day, I still haven’t figured out how. This is one of those random memories that has stuck with me ten years later, for whatever reason, and I’m so glad I have this memory of Theo. He was a part of my childhood all throughout elementary school, and I want to be able to remember him. It makes me smile to think of those two seven-year-olds sitting together everyday and finding little things to talk about. [Read Full Speech]
Music interlude – Let the River Run- Words & Music by Carly Simon, Arr. by Jay Althouse RHMS Choirs, under the direction of Dr. David Mosher
Principal’s Address – Jessica Callanan

Good Evening parents, families, staff and distinguished guests, thank you for being here tonight to celebrate these wonderful young people in the Class of 2024.
Each commencement has its own beauty and character. This evening there is a beauty that emanates from the happiness of the graduates and from the joy of families who have provided love and support during the past 13 years of schooling. There is hope and anticipation from the educators that have helped mold you into young adults that you will be engaged, think critically, speak your mind, and also listen intently to develop well-informed decisions. When I look out over the Class of 2024, I too have hope, for a better tomorrow, for our future as a community, Commonwealth and nation because you are young adults with strong character and acute intellect. [Read Full Speech]
Superintendent’s Address – Dr. Thomas Milaschewski

Good evening, Reading community, members of the Reading School Committee, Principal Callanan, Staff, Families, and most importantly, Class of 2024. Class of 2024 – I am honored to take a few minutes to congratulate you on your graduation day and to wish you well in the next chapter of your journey.
First, a huge congratulations is in order to you, both individually and as a collective. You are a class that has demonstrated excellence in so many different ways throughout your journey in RPS. Your academic excellence as a class includes 9 National Merit Scholars, 16 students demonstrating biliteracy across five languages through the MA Seal of Biliteracy, and 93 students participating in the National Honor Society. In the Arts, you have been major contributors on the back-to-back-to-back state championship marching band and color guard and in drama club’s state semifinalist recognition in the 2024 drama fest competition. You have been captains and leaders of the field hockey state championship team, boys lacrosse state championship team, various league championship teams, and in launching our first-ever unified basketball team. You’ve been the drivers behind our Robockets team winning the “Excellence in Engineering Award” at the FIRST North Shore District Event and the role models, advocates, and champions in creating a positive and inclusive school and community culture through your leadership as Rocket Ambassadors and in A World of Difference. Prior to RMHS at Coolidge and Parker, you excelled on award-winning science and math teams, served on student councils, shined on stage in musicals and acapella groups, and led in our community through service initiatives such as Coolidge Gives Back and Parker Leaders. These recognitions reflect your true commitment to excellence, both as a class and as individuals. We recognize these are just a few of your many collective accolades as a class and that each of your journeys are marked with your own individual accomplishments and successes. [Read Full Speech]
Conferring Diplomas – Thomas Wise & Erin Gaffen, School Committee. Jessica Theriault, Assistant Principal & Jessica Callanan, Principal
List of the graduating class

The Reading Memorial High School Band conducted by Joseph Mulligan
Advisors to the Class of 2024
Caroline Allison & Alexandra Sliwoski
Justin Raimo ‘25 & Quinn Synnott ‘25
School Administration
Dr. Thomas Milaschewski, Superintendent
Dr. Sarah Hardy, Assistant Superintendent
Dr. Derek Pinto, Director of Finance and Operations
Dr. Jennifer Stys, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services
Michelle Roach, Director of Human Resources
Jessica Callanan, Principal, Reading Memorial High School
Kadi Buckley, Assistant Principal, Reading Memorial High School
Meredith Flanagan, Assistant Principal, Reading Memorial High School
Jessica Theriault, Assistant Principal, Reading Memorial High School
Thomas J. Zaya, Assistant Principal, Reading Memorial High School