LtE: Many Thanks to the Reading Cultural Council

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Dear Editor,

At this time in our community’s and country’s history, it is important to call attention to the great things that are happening. Amongst these great things is the support given by the Reading and Mass Cultural Council to small organizations trying to do things to engage and support everyone in our community. We are so grateful for the support that we have received from the Reading Cultural Council for inclusive programs such as the Community Menorah Lighting; The Remembrance Tour by Cato, The Coalition of Us; performances by The Reading Community Singers, Five Star Theatre Company, Juneteenth, and so many others. 

It is important to remember that the Reading Cultural Council relies on volunteers who dedicate their time and expertise to doing research, discussing and making the most equitable decisions possible for our community. Our gratitude goes out to these volunteers! In reality, the organizations supported by the Reading Cultural Council would not function without volunteers as well as the financial support and attendance from the community. Many thanks to those who have donated along with the Reading Cultural Council to enable wonderful programs to happen. 

We are very grateful for the dedication and support of the Reading Cultural Council, and look forward to learning about the other grant recipients at the reception at the beginning of May. If you are interested in volunteering to be a member of the Reading Cultural Council, please check out their linktree.

With Much Gratitude,

Anne Schwartz
Co-organizer, Reading Community Menorah Lighting