LtE: Melissa Murphy is What Reading Needs and Now!

The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post.

Dear Reading Neighbors and Friends,

It is with great excitement and hope that I am writing this letter in support of Melissa Murphy for Select Board. My name is Eileen Pruitt and I have been a Reading resident for 14 years. My husband Steve and I moved to Reading specifically to start our family in a town known for its focus on families and community. We are highly engaged in the Reading Community have been watching what has been happening on the Select Board over the last few years closely. We need to do better, and I am convinced Melissa is by far the best candidate to get us there. If you have not watched the Candidate Forum held on 5/9/24 at RCTV, please go to YouTube and watch for yourself. While Tara seems like a genuinely nice person, she certainly does not have the background, experience and history in Reading that Melissa does to really make an impact.   

I have known Melissa for ten years and I can truly say that I have never met someone so keenly committed to making Reading a better place to live for all residents. Melissa is honest, forthright, and open to all ideas – including opposing ones. She stands up for what she believes in and loves nothing more than a good debate to get to the best outcome. In every Reading setting that Melissa has been a part of, she has consistently dedicated her time and energy to help make the Reading programs better. It all started with a Board Position in Connect the Tots when she saw a need for better outreach and communication. She then held critical roles at the Wood End PTO and School Council. Melissa then jumped into Town Meeting, where she knew she could bring a fresh perspective and make an impact. I’ve watched her tirelessly research issues, talk to residents and drive initiatives in support of Reading families and small businesses. She is now ready to do more, we need to help get her there.

This upcoming special election is an important one. It is time to bring in some renewed energy and perspective to the Select Board. If you get a chance, please talk to Melissa, and form your own impression. I am confident you will find a promising candidate and she will win your vote. 


Eileen Pruitt
Bethune Ave