Reading, MA — The Parker Tavern will be opening for its 94th season on May 5, 2024, from 2-5. Located at 103 Washington Street next to Washington Park, the Tavern will be open for guided tours each Sunday from 2-5 PM until the end of October.

Parker Tavern was built in 1694 and is a “witness house,” having seen over 330 years of Reading History, such as the Colonial Wars, the Revolutionary War, the formation of one of the first Women’s Antislavery Societies in the United States (1833), the Civil War, the Civil Rights era, Reading’s part in the Industrial Revolution and other events up to the present time. Also, learn about the Native Americans who would have walked the land before the Tavern was built. The Parker Tavern has interesting artifacts from all those times on display, showing how people lived in different periods of time in Reading.
The Parker Tavern is Reading’s history museum, YOUR museum, operated and privately funded solely by the Reading Antiquarian Society and the support of good citizens like you, so please visit. Consider becoming a member to be notified of all the exciting events that are part of Rev250 celebrations leading up to the Battles of Concord and Lexington (see how Reading participated!) and the founding of our nation on July 4, 1776. A family membership donation is just $10 per year. Please visit our website for more information.