Reading, MA — The Reading Public Library is thrilled to host two authors for talks about their books in May. There’s something special about hearing an author read from their work, as well as having a chance to ask a question to learn about the author’s process and inspiration.

On May 2, the author and illustrator behind more than 40 books for young readers, Jarrett J. Korsoczka, stops by. Korsoczka’s works range from the clever and humorous Lunch Lady graphic novels, to the compelling national Book Award finalist, Hey Kiddo and even select volumes of the Star WarsTM: Jedi Academy series. This reading is fit for teens and adults alike, please register on our event calendar.
Stephen Puleo comes to the library on May 29 to read from and discuss his latest book, The Great Abolitionist: Charles Sumner and the Fight for a More Perfect Union. In the mid-nineteenth century, Charles Sumner was the most influential politician fighting for abolition and following the Civil War, he championed the rights of emancipated people. An acclaimed historian and author of 8 books, Puleo writes with evocative and accessible prose in relating the story of one of the most influential non-presidents in our history who helped move America toward the twin goals of abolitionism and equal rights.

Mark your calendar for one or both of these readings! Books will be available for purchase and signing following both events, thanks to Whitelam Books
Jarrett J. Korsoczka Reading | May 2 | 600 – 700 pm Stephen Puleo Reading | May 29 | 700 – 830 pm