The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post. editor@thereadingpost.com
To the Editor:
Exactly how much will this investigation approved by the Select Board cost Reading taxpayers? And were complaints of misconduct filed with appropriate agencies first (e.g., police, state ethics office, town admin/human resources, formal Open Meeting Law complaint, written complaint to discuss internally, etc)? If not, why hasn’t that happened before hiring an investigator? And how will this help the town move forward beyond all the nastiness and accusations? Will this really help the town? This is not how I want my tax dollars spent.
I urge the Select Board to reverse this decision and instead try to resolve any issues through proper channels in accordance with their own policies and town and state policies. The Select Board needs to get back to the business of making things better for residents.
Thank you.
Rebecca Liberman
Pratt St.