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I am writing to express my deep concern about the behavior of Select Board member Chris Haley during the February 17th meeting, which I attended via Zoom. Like many of my fellow residents, I was deeply disappointed and troubled by Mr. Haley’s conduct.
The meeting took a disturbing turn approximately one hour and twenty minutes in when Mr. Haley raised concerns about the board’s integrity. However, his subsequent actions directly contradicted these concerns. He launched into unfounded and disrespectful accusations against his fellow board member, Mr. Mark Dockser. Mr. Haley’s verbal attacks included calling Mr. Dockser “disgusting” and introducing unsubstantiated rumors and conspiracy theories into the public forum.
Despite being subjected to this personal attack, Mr. Dockser, acting as Chair, maintained his composure and professionalism. He calmly recommended appropriate courses of action for Mr. Haley to address his concerns, demonstrating remarkable integrity and respect for his fellow board member. Mr. Dockser’s suggested options included discussing the issue directly with him, seeking guidance from Town Counsel, or filing an official complaint if he felt Mr. Dockser had acted inappropriately. In response, Mr. Haley simply shrugged, seemingly dismissive of these reasonable solutions.
It is deeply concerning that Mr. Haley’s behavior during the meeting not only undermined the board’s decorum but also came close to violating the Open Meeting Law (OML) once again. His actions raise serious questions about his commitment to upholding the principles of integrity and respect that are essential for effective governance.
If there is a board member bringing less integrity and more instability to the board, it is Chris Haley. The residents of our town deserve a board that conducts its business with professionalism and civility.
Helena Johnson
Orchard Park Drive