Wakefield, MA — Our November meeting featured both a workshop and a speaker. First, Jo Ann Rondelli led us in making embroidered felt owls. This workshop helped us renew our embroidery stitch and embellishment skills. Speaking of embellishments, our guest speaker, Amy Ropple, must be the queen of bead embellishments! Amy brought her collection of beautiful fabric and bead wall art creations. She led us through her creation process and discussed how she chooses her subjects, her beads and objects from nature, and what materials are used to put it all together. We were able to touch and see up close each museum-quality piece. The photo shows one of the pieces held by Barbara Goddeau, Amy Ropple, and Robin Gorfine.
Our December meeting will feature live music, a gift swap, and a unique snowman figurine workshop. Guests are welcome.
For more information, please visit our website: https://wakefieldacs.webs.com/ and/or like us on Facebook.com/WakefieldArtsandCraftsSociety or contact Elaine Grosso at WakefieldArtsCraftsSociety@gmail.com.