Through Community One Stop for Growth Program
Reading, MA – The Town of Reading is pleased to announce that it received 2.82 million in funding through the state’s Community One Stop for Growth grant program. These programs fund economic development projects related to planning and zoning, infrastructure improvements, and downtown activation.
“These grants will push forward several of Reading’s initiatives to improve our downtown, activate the Eastern Gateway District, and provide planning support in visioning Reading’s future landscape,” said Fidel Maltez, Reading Town Manager.

$2,600,000 has been awarded to Reading under the MassWorks grant program to fund the implementation of streetscape improvements throughout Reading’s Downtown District. These improvements will occur primarily along Haven Street and adjacent roadways. Street trees, pedestrian safety improvements, lighting, and streetscape architectural elements are all planned under this implementation program.
$100,000 has been awarded to Reading under the Community Planning grant program to investigate redevelopment feasibility within Reading’s Eastern Gateway District. This initiative will focus on zoning and infrastructure improvements along New Crossing Road and Walkers Brook Drive with the goal of attracting commercial development interests and diversifying Reading’s commercial, industrial, and private tax base.
$95,000 has been awarded to Reading under the Community Planning grant program for technical assistance and consultant services related to the implementation of the MBTA Communities Act in Reading. Funds will be used to modify and adjust zoning language to comply with the stipulations of MBTA Communities.
$25,000 has been awarded to Reading under the Massachusetts Downtown Initiative to create an Arts & Culture Action Plan. This plan will bring together all of Reading’s arts and culture organizations and entities while sighting locations for a cultural hub for arts within Reading’s downtown district.
If you have questions related to these awards, please contact Reading’s Economic Development Director, Ben Cares, at (781) 942-6791 or