READING — Chief David Clark and Deputy Chief Christine Amendola are pleased to announce that once again the Reading Police Department will be wearing a special camouflage patch for the month of November to show support for Reading’s veterans. The patch has been redesigned for this year.
The department is also excited to offer five additional patches this year. Officers who are veterans will wear patches pertaining to the military branch they’ve served in, including Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Air Force. All of these new patches may be purchased to support the Home Base No Shave Initiative.
Veteran patches are $10 each and are available to all. Those who wish to obtain a patch can send proof of donation through the Home Base page on the Reading Police website, or send a check made out to Home Base with a self addressed envelope to the Reading Police Department, 15 Union St., Reading, MA 01867, attention of Officer Kristen O’Shaughnessy. Officer O’Shaughnessy will mail the patch or patches back to those who request them.
“We’ve designed these patches to honor, recognize and show support for our veterans,” Chief Clark said. “We appreciate those who have served our country every day, but are pleased to bring special awareness to their service during the month of November.”
“These patches are a great way to help support the Home Base Initiative and the important work happening within our community to support our veterans,” said Deputy Chief Amendola.
Home Base No Shave, which was formerly known as No Shave November, was created in 2015. It has raised more than $1.4 million to date to fund critical mental health and brain injury care. More than 130 police departments across the country, representing more than 2,500 first responders, have participated.
Those interested in donating to this initiative are asked to visit the Reading Police Department page on the Home Base website.
To learn more about the 2023 Home Base No Shave campaign, click here.