Reading, MA — The following awards were announced at the 2023 commencement exercises.

The RMHS Core Value Awards for Respect Recipient: Brendan Lindmark
The RMHS Core Value Awards for Responsibility Recipient: Yasmine Saheb
The RMHS Core Value Awards for Perseverance Recipient: Amy DeMartinis
The RMHS Core Value Awards for Scholarship Recipients: Melody Vakili & Teresa Hall
English: Vivian Greenwalt
Fine & Performing Arts: Amanda Frechette, Abigail LeBovidge, Sara LeClaire, Jessica Malley, Hannah Rigney, Lucas Scozzari, Laura Yatsuhashi
Health & Wellness: Abigail Farrell & Katherine Hurley
Math: Nicholas Mazzarella
Business: Max Leone
Science: Meredith Taylor
Social Studies: Elizabeth Strack
World Language: Althea Culaba
The Band Parents Award, in memory of Joseph McGillicuddy, is presented to RMHS Marching Band members who have shown excellent musicianship, leadership, character and concern for others. Recipients: Sara Leclaire, Owen Magoon, Brendan Manning, Elizabeth Strack
The Band Parents Award, in memory of Steven Calla, a former drummer who left his mark of courage and spirit on the RMHS band program, is presented to a member of the band program who has shown musical talent, leadership, character and a love of family and friends. Recipient: Gibson Carpenter
The Kristin A. Killian Choral Award is given to a senior who has demonstrated a commitment to the choral program and a dedication to their music education. In addition to musicianship, the recipients exemplify the values of the Choral Department (kind and caring, friendly, welcoming, and a willingness to reach out beyond themselves). Recipients: Lucy Boyden, Althea Culaba, Liam Synnott, Laurie Wise
The National Choral Award recognizes choir members who have demonstrated a commitment to the choral program at Reading Memorial High School and overall excellence in choral singing. Recipients: Liam Synnott, Laurie Wise
The Louis Armstrong Jazz Award is given to a student who demonstrates the highest levels of dedication, loyalty, character, and discipline to the jazz band program while achieving the highest musical standards required of jazz music. Recipient: Owen Abruzzese
The John Phillip Sousa Award is given to a student who demonstrates the highest levels of dedication, loyalty, character, and discipline to the band program while achieving the highest musical standards required of instrumental music. Recipient: Elizabeth Strack
The Hal Croft – RMHS Award is given to an outstanding graduate for integrity and sincerity in the community and in track and field. Recipient: John “Jack” Quinn
The Nathaniel G. Hill Award is given to a worthy student to further their education, be it college, junior college or trade school. Recipient: Timothy Failla
The James E. Klepeis, Jr. Science Award is given to a college or university bound RMHS student who has displayed an interest in and aptitude for the field of science. Recipient: Vivienne Langlois
Reading Historical Commission Book Award is given to a student who has performed at a high level in history Class and plans to major in history in college. Recipient: Sedona Skenderian
The Dennis Lehane Memorial Scholarship is given in memory of Dennis Lehane, class of 1992, to a senior who will be attending a college or university, and who has displayed exemplary courage, determination, and team spirit while participating in track, football, or both while at RMHS. Recipient: Jon “Jack” Dougherty
The Sally Merchant Award, given by the Young Women’s League of Reading, in memory of an outstanding teacher, is presented to a deserving member of the graduating class advancing to a college education. Recipient: Emma Webberly
Women’s League of Reading Scholarship is awarded to a graduating female student, with a minimum 3.0 GPA, advancing to a college education, who has proven to be an active community member, has shown dedication to community service, and demonstrates leadership. Recipient: Sophia Ortins
The Florence G. Nichols Scholarship is presented to a girl in the senior class moving on to advanced education who has demonstrated great mental and physical ability as well as leadership. Recipient: Caroline Higgins
The S. Edwin Shin Memorial Award is presented to a graduate outstanding in instrumental music and science. Recipient: Owen Abruzzese
The William & Ellen Carlin Endslow Scholarship recognizes a senior who has developed a passion for Theatre Arts during their time in the Reading Public Schools. The recipient embodies a belief in collaboration and teamwork as well as an appreciation for visual, auditory, artistic, and communication skills. Recipient: Emelia Burns
The Parents Supporting Student Theatre Award recognizes a senior who has consistently held themselves to the highest standards of excellence in the areas of leadership, community service and drama. This student exemplifies the true spirit of the Reading Memorial High School Drama club and demonstrates a passionate dedication to theatre arts. Recipient: Ashley McCue
The P.T.O. Exemplary Character Award is presented to members of the graduating class who have made special contributions to the high school community. Recipients: Allyssa Clarkson, Bryn Connelly, Thomas Gallegos, Olivia Johnson, Jessica Malley, Roman Olivardia, Elisabeth Quirbach, Meredith Taylor, Peter Tompkins, Nicole Wilson
The Reading Public Schools P.T.O Scholarship is given by the PTO’s of the Reading Elementary and Middle Schools. Recipients:
Barrows Elementary- Stacey Levesque
Coolidge Middle School- Catherine Amirault
Killam Elementary- Caroline Kyle
Birch Meadow Elementary- Ian Green
Joshua Eaton Elementary- Kaitlyn Drummey
Wood End Elementary- Isabella Bielicki
The Arthur L. Spencer Memorial Award is given in memory of an outstanding member of the World Language Department to a senior who has excelled in World Language with a special emphasis in Latin.
Recipient: Yuqiu “Tammy” Chen
The Excellence in World Language Award is given to a student who has demonstrated advanced proficiency in language learning. This year’s recipient has achieved success in advanced placement Spanish. Recipient: Althea Culaba
Massachusetts Seal of Biliteracy recognizes high school students who attain high functional and academic levels of proficiency in English and a world language before high school graduation. Recipients: Luka Moran- with Distinction, Jason Anderson, Yuqiu “Tammy” Chen, Bryn Connelly, Vivian Greenwalt, Vivienne Langlois, Abigail LeBovidge, Nicholas Mazzarella, Julia Monteiro, Meng Li Qui, Samuel Szecsenyi & Owen Magoon
The Robotics Awards are given by the Reading Engineering Team for leadership in engineering and entrepreneurship. Recipients: Brendan Manning, Edward Matthews, Sachin Patel
The Patrick A. Schettini, Jr. Memorial Scholarship is given to a student who plans to pursue a degree in one of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics) fields, has strong academic performance and significant community service. Recipient: Brendan Manning
The Assistant Principal Awards is given to students who have demonstrated significant personal growth during their time at RMHS. These students are resilient, hard-working, and show great promise for their future. Recipients: Alex DiNapoli, Alicia Garbarino
The Principal’s Award is presented to students who most exemplify all four of the Core Values of Reading Memorial High School, Respect, Responsibility, Scholarship & Perseverance. Recipient: James Murphy
The Kenneth L. Brown Award, Class of 1942, is given to the young man with the highest-grade point average in English during his senior year. Recipient: Liam Synnott
The Boston Section of the Society of Women Engineers presents certificates of merit to students in recognition of three years of excellence in Science and Mathematics. Recipients:
Highest Honors: Emmalynn Shmulsky
High Honors: Maya Serrano
Honors: Catherine Amirault
The Knights of Columbus Award is given to a student in recognition of their continuous high level of service to the community throughout their career at RMHS. Recipients: Mikayla Gigliotti
The Gregory P. Zager Scholarship, in memory of a 2008 graduate, recognizes a student in the senior class who is a positive member of the community and has persevered over time, shown determination, and has grown as an individual and student. Recipient: Alex DiNapoli
The Friends of Reading Football Award is presented to two students of the graduating class who have been members of the football program for at least two years, have a record of demonstrating leadership, good moral character, and solid academic performance. Recipients: Brendan Lindmark & James Murphy
The Nicholas Lee Mull ’70 Memorial Scholarship is given to a member of the senior class who has demonstrated leadership within student government and has contributed to the betterment of the student body. Recipient: Nora Flaherty
The David Libby Memorial Scholarship is awarded to students who have displayed perseverance in the face of adversity and are leaders of their own learning journey. Recipients: Vanessa Alfaro, Andrew Barrero, Peter Birch, Jasmine Burchette, Emelia Burns, Abigail Farrell, Bianca Ferguson, Grace Foley, Jayda Hayes, Bryan Lin, Rowan Manahan, Sean McClellan, Ashley McCue, Finton McDonough, Meng Li Qiu, Riya Rai, Nhiyel Richemond, Lucas Scozzari, Emmalyn Shmulsky, Jordan Whitmer & Cory Wright
The Caruso Scholarship was established in memory of Kaitlyn a graduate of RMHS class of 2010. To honor Katelyn’s legacy and help students who embody her determination, work ethic, love of athletics and helping others. This scholarship will honor a student athlete who is pursuing a career in Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Nursing or in the field of Health Science. Recipients: Sophia Isbell, Kate Leone, Nicole O’Sullivan
The Garth Scott Hockey Award is presented to a senior member of the varsity hockey team with a dedication to further academic pursuits via a 4-year degree, and who has displayed sportsmanship both on and off the ice. Recipient: Robert “Robbie” Granara
The Kimberly Barchard Scholarship is given to a senior of the RMHS graduating class pursuing a degree in the fields of nursing, occupational therapy or physical therapy who exemplifies the courage, compassion, and dedication to helping others. Recipient: Olivia Marchant
The David Pothier Gold Medal Foundation Award is in honor of David Pothier a Special Olympian athlete who was full of honesty, integrity, sincerity, and love for his family and friends. This foundation recognizes a senior student who has shown unconditional love and support to a sibling and is a positive member of the senior class. Recipient: David McFarland
The Reading Patrolmen’s Association Scholarship Award is given to a student who has evidenced good scholarship, effort and character; and who has demonstrated leadership and commitment to school and community service. Recipient: Avery Abate
The Reading Police Superior Officers Union Award is given to a student with high character, scholarship, and leadership within the community. Recipient: Andrew Abdella
The TJ McGrath, Class of 1991 Award is given to an outstanding student with contributions and commitment to the student publications of Reading Memorial High School. Recipients: Abigail LeBovidge & Katelyn Puglia
The School Committee Book Award is presented to a student who has worked diligently and dedicated their time to the school community. Recipient: Jayda Hayes
National Merit Commended and National Merit Finalist Students are recognized for placing among the top 5% of the 1.5 million student who took the 2022 PSAT’s.
Commended: Althea Culaba, Brendan Manning, Luca Moran, Liam Synnott, Michelle Walsh
Finalist: Abigail LeBovidge
Graduating Class of 2023
Avery Abate | Zachary Galvin | Ryan Miller |
Andrew Abdella | Alicia Garbarino | Ayush Mitra |
Owen Abruzzese | Danielle Gaudet | Victoria Moniz |
Vanessa Alfaro | Mikayla Gigliotti | Julia Monteiro |
Catherine Amirault | Morgan Gilblair | Luka Moran |
Jason Anderson | Riley Glynn | Mason Moreira |
Nicholas Andreev | Courtney Goldner | Zachary Morris |
Dorian Anglade | Connor Gorski | Ryan Mulvey |
Julia Barbato | Leo Gosdanian | Isabel Munini |
Andrew Barrero | Finn Granara | Evans Mureithi |
James Barsotti | Robert Granara | James Murphy |
Nicholas Bartalini | Alec Grande | Nicole Naczas |
Emily Bass | Madeleine Gray | Jonathan Nazzaro |
Ethan Bean | Ian Green | Tilda Oberg |
Victoria Bean | Vivian Greenwalt | Ashley Ockerbloom |
Olivia Beaupre | Henry Gresh | Grace O’Connor |
Aidan Bekkenhuis | Michael Guarracino | Kailey O’Leary |
Natalie Benassi | Ethan Haggerty | Roman Olivardia |
Bryan Beneke | Hope Haggerty | Sophia Ortins |
Gabriella Bennett | Teresa Hall | Nicole O’Sullivan |
Luke Benson | Ryan Haroutunian | Maxx Owens |
Isabella Bielicki | Thomas Haroutunian | Samantha Panariti |
Peter Birch | Elanor Hart | Megan Pappo |
Colton Blomquist | Lily Haverty | Sachin Patel |
Anna Boemer | Hunter Hayes | Michael Peledge |
Lucy Boyden | Jayda Hayes | Evan Pennucci |
Mark Boyle | Jessica Hayes | Maya Perkins |
Elizabeth Bradshaw | Caroline Higgins | Daniel Pinette |
Salvatore Bramante | Justin Ho | Jessica Pomerantz |
Abbey Brenner | Henry Holt | Katelyn Puglia |
Joseph Brown | Katherine Hurley | Meng Li Qiu |
Makayla Bruzzese | Garrett Hylan | John Quinn |
Mia Buonarosa | Michael Iacoviello | Elisabeth Quirbach |
Jasmine Burchette | Giacomo Iapicca | Riya Rai |
Emelia Burns | Sophia Isbell | Jack Raimo |
Dylan Burpee | Jack Jaynes | Ellen Richards |
Mikayla Cail | Tara Jeleskovic | Nhiyel Richemond |
Caitlyn Camelo | Adam Jerrett | Hannah Rigney |
Liam Camuso | Marina Johnson | Olivia Ritondo |
Lacey Carciero | Nate Johnson | Noah Roach |
Maxwell Carcione | Olivia Johnson | Colby Robinson |
Gibson Carpenter | Cara Joyce | Darren Ryan |
Emily Cashin | Christina Kapodistrias | Yasmine Saheb |
Amber Cashins | Molly Keating | Noah Santucci |
Eamon Centrella | Courtney Keaveney | William Schromm |
Joseph Champa | Ella Keddy | Lucas Scozzari |
Yuqiu Chen | Thomas Kessinger | Anna Serevitch |
Hayden Clark | Jack Kiernan | Maya Serrano |
Logan Clark | Sami Kourbali | Nikolas Serrao |
Rose Clark | Caroline Kyle | Paige Sharkey |
Allyssa Clarkson | Matthew Lakin | Peyton Sharkey |
Natalie Clifford | Rylie Lane | Emmalynn Shmulsky |
Jackson Clish | Vivienne Langlois | Joseph Shutt |
Valerie Cole | Drew LaTerza | Sedona Skenderian |
Malcolm Coles | Emma Lattanzi | Blade Matthias Spataro |
Spencer Collymore | Carter Learned | Mae Squeglia |
Bryn Connelly | Abigail LeBovidge | Riley Stapleton |
Hunter Connelly | Sara Leclaire | Gryffin Stoddard |
Althea Culaba | Audrey Lee | Elizabeth Strack |
Connor Curtin | Kate Leone | Nathan Strong |
Alvin Day | Max Leone | Ryan Strout |
Matthew DeCourcy | Stacey Levesque | Grace Sullivan |
Amy DeMartinis | Jacqueline Lewis | Brady Swanson |
Brian DeMild | Bryan Lin | Danielle Sweeney |
Jacquelyn DiDonato | Brendan Lindmark | Liam Synnott |
Grady Diemer | Tyler Lloyd | Samuel Szecsenyi |
Madeline Dillon | Shane Loughman | Sarah Talty Harrison |
Alex DiNapoli | Jessica Lu | Tapscott Evelyn |
Benjamin DiNapoli | Owen Magoon | Taylor Meredith |
Steven Diorio | Samantha Maher | Taylor Sean Tesoro |
Ace DiRusso | James Mahoney | Kevin Thomson |
Jesse Doherty | Jack Mahony | Audrey Thornton |
Joseph Donaghey | Jessica Malley | Liam Tierney |
Liam Donaghey | Rowan Manahan | Peter Tompkins |
Collin Donahue | Brendan Manning | Thomas Trahan |
Jack Donnelly | Grace Manzella | Ava Vaccari |
Jon Dougherty | Olivia Marchant | Melody Vakili |
Patrick Downing | Derek Marshall | Elise Verrier |
Kaitlyn Drummey | Christopher Matias | Jack Vieira |
Jonathan Duffy | Edward Matthews | Derek Walsh |
Timothy Duggan | Nicholas Mazzarella | Matthew Walsh |
Michael Fabiano | Ryan McCann | Michelle Walsh |
Timothy Failla | Daniel McCarthy | River Watson |
Abigail Farrell | Sean McClellan | Ryan Weaver |
Bianca Ferguson | Ashley McCue | Emma Webberly |
George Fidas | Finton McDonough | Lucy Weld |
James Filosa | Sunaa McEvan | Jordan Whitmer |
Olivia Fiorenza | David McFarland | Nemaya Wickramasinghe |
Nora Flaherty | Isabella McGonagle | Mina Willander |
Grace Foley | Taylor McGrath | Nicole Wilson |
Ethan Forse | Michenzi McKenna | Laurie Wise |
Nicholas Fotino | Megan McLaughlin | Tyler Wood |
Madison Fox | Erin McTaggart | Cory Wright |
Daniel Fraine | Leonardo Mejia Melendez | Benjamin Wright |
Thomas Fratto | Thomas Merkle | Laura Yatsuhashi |
Amanda Frechette | Wyatt Meyers | Noah Young |
Thomas Gallegos | Michael Miele | Sofie Yurewicz |