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At Monday’s town meeting, I received an emergency medical call from a family member just as the meeting was about to start. Because of the situation, I needed to leave immediately. That part of the story, luckily, has a happy ending.
And, so does the other part.
With literally a few seconds warning, I asked veteran town meeting member Jonathan Barnes if he would agree to stand for election as temporary moderator, to which he immediately replied, “Of course.”
I watched RCTVs coverage of much of the meeting from an emergency ward, and I was impressed with his conduct. I thank him for myself and on behalf of the town. He did a great job.
Also, I thank our town clerk, Laura Gemme, and town counsel, Ivria Fried, for stepping up to help get through the stickier parts.
Finally, thanks go to all attending the meeting for extending your courtesy and patience to Jonathan, a fellow town meeting member.
It was so nice to see everyone join in to complete the town’s business in such a respectful and efficient manner.
Alan Foulds