LtE: Please Join me in Voting for Karen Gately Herrick

The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post.

Dear Editor,

As I have traversed our town campaigning for Karen Gately Herrick, I have had a lot of time to muse over who I think best represents Reading at the Select Board table. Without a doubt, I know that Karen is the best candidate to take our town forward. 

Through her experience, diligence, preparation, and efforts to advocate for Reading with our legislators and other state resources, she has brought tangible results. A lot of the work that needs to be done goes far beyond sitting at the table during televised meetings and focusing on singular agenda items. The work extends to attending town and state meetings while anticipating, understanding, and communicating the gamut of challenges facing our town. Karen doesn’t stop there, though. She is always brainstorming and researching solutions. Karen is always looking for ways to get things done without costing residents more money. She has educated herself on available resources and that has paid off for all of us. We all know that we need to work together, and Karen has proven that she can do that. In her three years on the Select Board, Karen has collaborated with other volunteers, staff, and our new Town Manager to enable an impressive list of successful projects and advocacy. Karen gets things done!

Karen is always looking for ways to boost and support Reading; always making an effort to lessen the tax implications on our residents and businesses. This makes her an effective and engaged Select Board member. She cares about everyone’s experience here from individual residents to small businesses; from the environment to transportation; from housing to making Reading a welcoming and healthy community. She goes above and beyond for the benefit of all of us in Reading. I for one am very grateful. Please join me in voting for Karen Gately Herrick on Tuesday, April 4th. You will be glad you did!

With Appreciation,

Linda Snow Dockser
Former School Committee Member
Town Volunteer
Beaver Road

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