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To All Reading Voters:
When I think of a selectboard leader I think of someone with a strong voice, someone that is diligent, and someone that is willing to listen and gather information before making any decisions. I think of someone that is passionate about making Reading a better place to live for all. I think of someone who advocates and supports small businesses, youth sports organizations and the senior citizens who have already put their time into making Reading a great place to live. I also think of someone that is financially responsible in how money is being spent. I think of someone that supports public service employees and most importantly I think of someone that listens to all viewpoints, regardless of where she stands. At this point you have probably figured out who I am referring to, Melissa Murphy.
Melissa is not afraid to ask questions, have difficult conversations or protect the vulnerable. Melissa is passionate about the community she lives in and has chosen to raise her family in. She is passionate about maintaining and sustaining what Reading currently offers to residents and passionate about the direction Reading is moving in. With some major projects in the works, construction of the new Killam Elementary School and Senior Center; additionally, the projects of land development, the land near the high school and the use of the land near Symonds Way we need a leader on our board that can make informed decisions. We need a diligent leader that is going to make decisions based on the resident’s voices. We need a place for our children to grow and develop, a place for our senior citizens to socialize and engage with one another, and we need our land to be developed with thought and for the benefit of the community, not just based on one or two people’s opinions.
Melissa has invested her time into making Reading a better place by her volunteer positions within the Connect the Tots organization, Wood End Elementary School and most recently her elected position as a Town Meeting Member. In that position, she has listened to the residents and advocated for their needs and changes that the town has needed. Think about the changes she could make as a Selectboard member. When talking about Melissa in the community this is what I have heard folks say about her, “I love that she is so approachable,” “She really follows community issues.” “She’s passionate about issues in the Town of Reading.” and “She really knows her stuff.”.
As a resident of Reading for 24 years and a town employee I have seen Reading go through many changes, but it is now that we need a leader with Melissa’s leadership style, good listener, diligent, informed, financially responsible and passionate, to be elected to the Select Board. We need someone that, “really knows her stuff.”
It is with great honor that I encourage you to join me in voting for Melissa Murphy on April 4th. If April 4th is not a convenient day for you, early voting is being offered the week of March 27th during regular Town Hall hours of operations.
For more information on Melissa, check out her website at https://melissaforreading.com/
Lynda Michel
Scotland Road