The following candidacy statement is for the local Reading Election of April 4, 2023

Hello everyone,
My name is Carlo Bacci and I am running for my 2nd term on the Select Board. As a 3 year incumbent, I have learned a great deal. My term started with a Covid shut down, our first ever recall election, the hiring of our 3rd Town Manger and everything in between.
As a small business owner for over 30 years, I am able to bring a unique perspective to the Board. I have served on Town Meeting since 2019. I served as Secretary in 2020, and currently the Chair of the Symonds Way Exploratory Committee. I have always tried to do the right thing by respecting our town volunteers, town staff, small business owners, and all residents that call Reading home.

I am committed to spending our tax dollars wisely and distinguish wants verses needs. We have a lot to move forward in the coming year. The Killam School project, a Senior/Community Center, water and sewer infrastructure, continuing to manage our downtown parking, working with RMLD, supporting volunteer boards in their efforts, moving forward with the Birch Meadow Sports Complex, getting dedicated pickleball courts asap, making sure we manage our Capital projects responsibly, supporting our Town Manager’s goals and providing support to our town staff.
I believe that an elected official should always put residents’ needs first and not have any personal agendas. I want every vote to be 5-0, but there are times that we do not agree and that is fine if we respect our fellow board members and listen. I take my vote very seriously and make each vote matter for the short and long term. I am always thinking years ahead and what’s in front of me. Our decisions on the Board have implications and may adversely affect residents and businesses in a negative way. I want to manage our water and sewer rates and continue to support the senior tax circuit breaker. I want to avoid any future overrides and manage our money in a responsible manner.
The Senior/Community Center is a hot topic and I fully support a financially viable and acceptable solution. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds helped a great deal of organizations in our town and schools. We have been very fortunate to receive many grants this past year and I applaud our town manager and staff for working diligently to do so.
I want to re-earn your vote on April 4th or during early voting at town hall March 27-30th. Please visit for more information and I look forward to representing you for another term. Thank you.