The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post. editor@thereadingpost.com
Dear Editor
These letters to the editor in the last few days calling out abhorrent and juvenile behavior makes me shake my head.
There is a saying, “know your audience.” Quite literally, people KNOW your audience. You may want to stop and ask the people waving flags and making snide comments, “so, where do you live?” The answer surprised me when I asked. The Select Board meetings are public meetings, meaning anyone (and I do mean anyone) can go. As I walked out of the meeting, I asked, “Who are you Facebook living the meeting for?” Seem strange to do it; most Reading residents know we broadcast on RCTV. Wouldn’t you know, our little Christmas/Menorah discussion had a bigger audience. So, before you go and blame Reading residents for behavior and snide remarks and waving flags, know your audience. Before you start the rumor that there was some big conspiracy to (insert plan), please know, those folks were not from Reading. Surprised? I was. They weren’t even from one town, or two towns, or even three towns over. They drove over 25 miles to come to our little meeting.
I also want to say that I was in the back row at this particular meeting. There was one point when I was double over laughing along with a few other residents in the row. We weren’t trying to be rude, and we weren’t laughing at what was being said. When Karen Herrick started to speak, on cue, my son’s service dog let out the loudest sigh and groan I have ever heard. It was funny. If you heard it, you would have laughed too. The timing was unreal and she expressed the sentiment of lot of residents lately who have had just about enough of Ms. Herrick’s behavior.
Alicia Williams
Actual Resident