Sunday Update
Reading, MA — For Monday’s Rubbish and Recycling collection day, residents should still place their rubbish and recycling at the curb by 7:00 am. Residents with missed trash already at the curb, please keep it there for now.
The Town does have a plan in place for Monday’s route, but due to limited resources, the goal will be focused on getting all the rubbish on Monday’s route collected. The Town is sending out our own crews on Monday to augment rubbish pick-up in addition to Republic’s truck(s).
Recycling should still be placed curbside as well, but the Town cannot guarantee, at this time, what will get collected for recycling on Monday’s route.
If recycling on Monday does not get collected, residents should leave it at the curb.
The Town fully appreciates everyone’s continued patience and understanding on mitigating this matter, and can be assured that Town staff are doing absolutely everything in their authority to make sure that this troubling situation gets resolved as soon as possible.
We will continue to apprise residents of changes daily.