Role Presentations by Lt. Patrick Silva and Dr. Sudeshna Chatterjee, facilitated by Erica McNamara, from Reading Coalition of Prevention & Support
November 2, 2022 | 6:00-7:00pm RMHS Performing Arts Center
Did you know that Reading has a Civil Rights Officer and a Director of Equity & Social Justice? Join Lt. Silva and Dr. Chatterjee as they share information about themselves, their roles and the work that they are doing to keep Reading a safe, inclusive and accessible community. Questions/queries are invited!
All questions must be submitted ahead of time, by 5:00pm, October 19, 2022. Please scan the code on the left to submit questions. Your questions may also be submitted at the front desk of the Reading Public Library or at the Reading Police Department.
Co-hosted by OESJ, the Reading Police Dept., RCASA, and the Reading Public Library