NORTH READING 一 Chief Michael Murphy is pleased to announce that the North Reading Police Department has received its first hybrid marked police cruiser this week, and expects to receive three additional hybrid units in the next few months.
The new marked hybrid cruiser went into service Friday, July 22.
Each new hybrid 2022 Ford Police Interceptor Utility is expected to save at least 343 gallons of fuel per unit per year — resulting in significant cost savings — when they are all in service. In addition to significant cost savings, the hybrid vehicles will help the North Reading Police Department and the Town of North Reading reduce their carbon footprint.
Each hybrid cruiser used by a police department is projected to result in 22,000 fewer pounds of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere each year.
The North Reading Police Department received budget funding for the purchase of the hybrid cruisers.
“We would like to extend our gratitude to the residents and elected officials who supported our efforts in getting this cruiser added to our fleet,” said Chief Murphy. ” The department now has the opportunity to conserve fuel costs, and be more environmentally friendly. We are looking forward to receiving more of the hybrid vehicles in the next few months.”
The new hybrid Police Interceptor has the power and safety features of a traditional all-gas cruiser with a fraction of the emissions, they are viewed as the future of law enforcement fleets.
Two of the new cruisers were delayed 18 months due to supply chain issues.
In addition to better overall fuel economy, the new hybrid cruiser also reduces engine idle time by allowing on-board electronic devices in a police cruiser using the car’s hybrid battery, allowing the gasoline engine to shut off for extended periods of time.
The four new units will help the North Reading Police Department move toward the goal of having a 100% hybrid fleet.