RMHS Class of 2022 Awards

The RMHS Core Value Awards for Respect  Recipients: Moise Anglade

The RMHS Core Value Awards for Responsibility Recipients:  Julia Mullen

The RMHS Core Value Awards for Perseverance Recipients:  Sion Abamba

The RMHS Core Value Awards for Scholarship Recipients:  Dionysios Georgopoulos

The Band Parents Award, in memory of Joseph McGillicuddy, is presented to RMHS Marching Band members who have shown excellent musicianship, leadership, character and concern for others. Recipients:  Lily Bennett, Norah Foley, Kevin Kinney, Benjamin Mini

The Band Parents Award, in memory of Steven Calla, a former drummer who left his mark of courage and spirit on the RMHS band program, is presented to a member of the band program who has shown musical talent, leadership, character and a love of family and friends.  Recipient: Evan Kerr

The Kristin A. Killian Choral Award is given to a senior who has demonstrated a commitment to the choral program and a dedication to their music education. In addition to musicianship, the recipients exemplify the values of the Choral Department (kind and caring, friendly, welcoming, and a willingness to reach out beyond themselves). Recipients:  Dionysios Georgopoulos, John “Jack” Mendez, Julia Mullen, Smritha Srinivasan

The National Choral Award recognizes the dedication and musical achievement of the top male and female choral students. Recipients:  Charles Lloyd III, Julia Mullen

The Louis Armstrong Jazz Award is given to a student who demonstrates the highest levels of dedication, loyalty, character, and discipline to the jazz band program while achieving the highest musical standards required of jazz music. Recipient:  Benjamin Mini

The John Phillip Sousa Awardis given to a student who demonstrates the highest levels of dedication, loyalty, character, and discipline to the band program while achieving the highest musical standards required of instrumental music. Recipient:  Weston Lewin

The Hal Croft – RMHS Award is given to outstanding graduates for integrity and sincerity in the community and in track and field.  Recipient:  Robert Squires

The Nathaniel G. Hill Award is given to a worthy student for his/her further education, be it college, junior college or trade school.  Recipient:  Collin Goodchild

The James E. Klepeis, Jr. Science Award is given to a college or university bound RMHS student who has displayed an interest in and aptitude for the field of science. Recipient:  Olivia Chamberlain

Reading Historical Commission Book Award is given to a student who has performed at a high level in History Class and plans to major in history in college. Recipient:  Michele McCue

The Dennis Lehane Memorial Scholarship is given in memory of Dennis Lehane, Class of 1992, to a senior who will be attending a college or university, and who has displayed exemplary courage, determination, and team spirit while participating in track, football, or both while at RMHS.  Recipient:  Thomas O’Brien

The Sally Merchant Award, given by the Young Women’s League of Reading, in memory of an outstanding teacher, is presented to a deserving member of the graduating class advancing to a college education.  Recipient:  Alicia Silveira

Women’s League of Reading Scholarship is awarded to a graduating female student, with a minimum 3.0 GPS, advancing to a college education, who has proven to be an active community member, has shown dedication to community service, and demonstrates leadership.  Recipient:  Emily Martell

The Florence G. Nichols Scholarship is presented to a girl in the senior class moving on to advanced education who has demonstrated great mental and physical ability as well as leadership.  Recipient:   Marie Christina Antoine

The S. Edwin Shin Memorial Award is presented to a graduate outstanding in instrumental music and science. Recipient:  Petros Koster

The William & Ellen Carlin Endslow Drama Scholarship is awarded to a senior who has developed a passion for Theatre Arts during his or her time in the Reading Public Schools.  The recipient embodies a belief in collaboration and teamwork as well as an appreciation for visual, auditory, artistic, and communication skills.  Recipient:  Michele McCue

The Parents Supporting Student Theatre Award recognizes seniors who have consistently held themselves to the highest standards of excellence in the areas of leadership, community service and drama. These students exemplify the true spirit of the RMHS Drama Club and demonstrate a passionate dedication to Theatre Arts. Recipients:  Josephine Feltus, Tallulah Patalano

The P.T.O. Exemplary Character Award is presented to members of the graduating class who have made special contributions to the high school community.  Recipients:  Ekaterina Brechko, Martha Duggan, Margaux Gellot, Kathryn Gohr, Kristin Leyne, Jacqueline Malley, Sabine May, Elizabeth Murphy, Braden Nowicki, Kavindi Perera, Kate Shankland, John “Jack” Stathoulopoulos, Michael Wall, Brody Wolter

The Reading Public Schools P.T.O Scholarship is given by the PTO’s of the Reading Elementary and Middle Schools.  Recipients: 

Barrows Elementary- Solana O’SheaBirch Meadow Elementary- Maxwell Bowen
Coolidge Middle School- Connor PattersonJoshua Eaton Elementary- Mehak Bhola
Killam Elementary-Megan WilkesParker Middle School-William Flaherty
Wood End Elementary- Tiffany Nguyen

The Arthur L. Spencer Memorial Award is given in memory of an outstanding member of the Foreign Language Department to a senior who has excelled in foreign language with a special emphasis in Latin. Recipient:  Carlee Lermond

The Excellence in World Language Award is given to a student who has demonstrated advanced proficiency in language learning. This year’s recipient has achieved success in both AP French and AP Spanish. Recipient:  Margaux Gellot 

The Robotics Awards are given by the Reading Engineering Team for leadership in engineering and entrepreneurship. Recipients: Nathaniel Aquino, Charles Lloyd III, Braden Nowicki, Akshay Rao, Brody Wolter & Dylan Wolter

The Patrick A. Schettini, Jr. Memorial Scholarship is given to a student who plans to pursue a degree in one of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics) fields, has strong academic performance and significant community service.  Recipient:  Dylan Wolter

The Assistant Principal Awards is given to students who have demonstrated significant personal growth during their time at RMHS. These students are resilient, hard-working, and show great promise for their future. Recipients:  Matthew Davey, Martha Duggan

The Principal Award is given to a distinguished student who exemplifies the Core Values of Reading Memorial High School. Recipient:  Samantha Brabeck

The Kenneth L. Brown Award, Class of 1942, is given to the young man with the highest grade-point average in English during his senior year.  Recipient:  Weston Lewin

The Boston Section of the Society of Women Engineers presented certificates of merit to students in recognition of three years of excellence in Science and Mathematics.  Recipients:  

Highest Honors: Ekaterina Brechko, Alicia SilveiraHigh Honors: Genevieve Gray, Tiffany Nguyen
Honors: Josephine Feltus

The Knights of Columbus Award is given to students in recognition of their continuous high level of service to the community throughout their career at RMHS.  Recipients:  Samantha Brabeck, Cecelia Peacock

The Gregory P. Zager Scholarship, in memory of a 2008 graduate, recognizes a student in the senior class who is a positive member of the community and has persevered over time, shown determination, and has grown as an individual and student.  Recipient:  Jacob Carter

The Friends of Reading Football Award is presented to two members of the graduating class who have been members of the football program for at least two years, have a record of demonstrating leadership, good moral character, and solid academic performance.  Recipients:  Patrick DuRoss, Joseph “JP” Sullivan

The Patrick A. Schettini, Jr. Library Award is given to Library Assistants who demonstrate leadership, commitment, and service to the library.  Recipient:  Moise Anglade

The Nicholas Lee Mull ’70 Memorial Scholarship is given to a student who has demonstrated leadership within student government and contributed to the betterment of the student body. Recipient: Madaket Rzepka 

The Garth Scott Hockey Award is presented to a senior member of the varsity hockey team with a dedication to further academic pursuits via a 4-year degree, and who has displayed sportsmanship both on and off the ice. Recipient:  Alexander “Alec” Sullivan

The Reading Patrolmen’s Association Scholarship Award is given to a student who has evidenced good scholarship, effort and character; and who has demonstrated leadership and commitment to school and community service.  Recipient:  Kevin Brown

The Reading Police Superior Officers Union Award is given to a student with high character, scholarship, and leadership within the community.  Recipient:  Matthew Davey

The Corinne Morris Johnson Scholarship was established in memory of the sister of former RMHS faculty member, Carol Galvin. Each recipient exemplifies courage and the confidence to overcome tragedy and adversity in pursuit of their goals.  Recipient:  Mary Duggan

The TJ McGrath, Class of 1991 Award is awarded to a student who contributes and is committed to the student publications of Reading Memorial High School.  Recipient:  Alice Lin

The School Committee Prize is presented to a member of the graduating class in recognition of outstanding scholarship, character, and personality.  Recipient:  Smritha Srinivasan

National Merit Commended and National Merit Finalist Students are recognized for placing among the top 5% of the 1.5 million student who took the 2022 PSAT’s.  Commended:  Sabine May, Braden Nowicki, John “Jack” Stathoulopoulos, Jonathan Van Magness & Carolyn Xu
