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I write today to encourage my fellow citizens to vote for Jackie McCarthy for Select Board on Tuesday, April 5.
Mrs. McCarthy brings a lot of active and effective experience in Reading town government. She has been a member of the Finance Committee, giving her an in-depth understanding of the town’s budget situation. As a Town Meeting member, she knows intimately the issues that are of paramount interest – and concern – to Reading residents. And using her experience as a government relations attorney, she worked hard with her neighbors and town officials to achieve a redevelopment plan for the Auburn Street water tank that included community input and saved the town from the expense, and reduced property values of a proposed 200′ cell tower. This experience gives Jackie a sensitivity to how projects impact neighborhoods and how our boards and committees consider major infrastructure projects.
On a more personal note, I attended one of Jackie’s meet-and-greets to get a better sense of who she is and how she would govern, and what her priorities might be. However, in the end, I ended up talking more, as she asked me what my concerns were for the town. When I mentioned our house was on Ash Street, she asked me what I thought about the RMLD HQ (AKA the “Eastern Gateway”) project.
I believe Jackie will bring a unique combination of experience and thoughtful attention to the concerns of the people of Reading to the Select Board. So I again urge you to vote for Jackie McCarthy for Select Board on April 5.
Jason F.C. Clarke
Ash Street