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I have worked with Mr. Pacino for over nine years on the Reading Municipal Light Board. As the longest-serving Commissioner, he has brought a unique, historical perspective to our work which has been invaluable to the Board’s decision-making. He has remained consistent through previous General Managers and numerous other Commissioners during this time.
Mr. Pacino has always focused on how to make the RMLD better serve you, its customers. This means continuing to provide low-cost, highly reliable electrical power to our four towns. Mr. Pacino was a key architect of this four-town agreement many years ago, and it has remained intact due to his talent for encouraging compromise that benefits everyone.
A key asset Mr. Pacino brings to the table is his professional experience as a working, current CPA running his own company, which makes him uniquely qualified to Chair the RMLD Audit Committee. The RMLD is a complex entity, with revenues of close to $100 million per year and an intricate revenue structure shared by all four towns. The oversight of RMLD’s revenues, expenses, and major funds addressing depreciation, construction, and pensions/retirement requires Mr. Pacino’s level of sophistication.
As a fellow Commissioner who has worked with Mr. Pacino’s for many years, I highly recommend that you re-elect him to the RMLD Board. Thank you.
John Stempeck
Avalon Road