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In Celebration of Women’s History Month, Reading has a chance to vote for two strong, qualified candidates for Select Board
On Mar 16, 2022, I attended the meet the candidate forum held at the Reading Public Library. During the first portion, each of the three candidates for Select Board had a chance to introduce themselves and then take a few questions from the audience. Of the three candidates, two are very strong, intelligent, successful, and capable women. In a time when women are still struggling to be treated as equals, it’s encouraging that two women stepped up and chose to lean in and run for the Reading Select Board.
The forum took a particularly nasty turn when one of the candidates Nancy Tawadros’ questions were insulting such as “doesn’t she think she’d be better suited for another committee?” and since she hadn’t been a volunteer in the town, “what has she been doing”. The second question was particularly ignorant because In her opening statement she shared that she’s a single mom to two teenage girls in the Reading Public School System, she works full time as an HR/Talent Acquisition/Recruitment Professional and Strategist and in her spare time, she volunteers serving those who struggle with addiction, housing, and food insecurity.
The decision to run is not made lightly and it takes real dedication. While Reading has hired its first Director of Equity and Social Justice, it should celebrate Ms. Tawadros by supporting her on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, because she is qualified. Her time and dedication to helping those underserved as a volunteer will bring a unique perspective and as the daughter of immigrants, a single, dedicated working mom she’s showing all girls the infinite possibilities to breaking barriers and succeeding.
Erin K. Calvo-Bacci
Main Street