The following article has been submitted by a candidate for the April 5, 2022, Reading Election
My name is David Talbot and I ask for your vote on April 5 for re-election to the RMLD Board of Commissioners (Municipal Light Board) where I’ve served nine years, including two as board chair.

RMLD faces a leadership change, and we need Board members with a recent track record of action and achievement to guide that effort. My record shows I have voted and acted in the public interest as we provide reliable power to Reading and three surrounding towns.
Here are some examples:
Policy involvement: I led the Reading-based effort last year to oppose a controversial wood-burning power plant proposed in Springfield, in which RMLD had a power-purchase stake. When the Baker administration pulled the plant’s permit, it was a big win on emissions and for that City. But you also won, because the replacement power for RMLD is projected to cost several million dollars less over 20 years while still complying with Massachusetts’ new Climate Law.
Collaboration: My individual contribution to RMLD annual goal-setting helped renew Town-RMLD interactions to explore the most effective use of the RMLD building and the larger Ash Street site. Without presupposing the outcome, I’ll work to launch a planning process to promote cost savings and economic development.
Clean energy experience: My family is an early adopter of time-of-use metering, a used electric car, and rooftop solar. I bring insights from these activities – and what I learn from RMLD staff and my Board colleagues – to the governance job as we transition to cleaner energy sources and launch related programs for our customers.
On that note, whomever you vote for please sign up to receive RMLD’s peak demand warnings. Cutting back at peak times (such as hot summer afternoons) dramatically reduces utility costs and slashes emissions.
And if you have a spare $8 to $24 per month, here’s the link to sign up for RMLD’s great new “Renewable Choice” program to go all-renewable in your consumption of electricity.
If you follow my campaign page on Facebook I’ll be happy to answer your comments.
Thank you for voting to re-elect me to Municipal Light Board on April 5.
David Talbot
Linden Street