The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post. editor@thereadingpost.com
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
In our upcoming town election on Tuesday, April 5, I will vote for Mark Dockser to continue his excellent service on Reading’s Select Board, and I am asking you to do the same.
This past year Reading residents were fortunate to gain some wonderful town and school staff, including hiring both a new school superintendent and a new town manager. Mark will be able to provide our new town manager, Fidel Maltez, with valuable insight and experienced partnership as a result of his 23 years on Town Meeting, nine years on the Finance Committee, and three years on the Select Board.
Reading residents are rightly proud of our strong financial standing, and Mark has been a key part of the team that got us there. Mark’s priorities, as outlined on his campaign’s website, include important issues and projects for our entire community, from students to seniors. His solid record on the Select Board over the past three years shows that he will bring reasoned and educated solutions to whatever challenges arise.
Finally, Mark has shown that he remains calm and open-minded when faced with difficult or controversial decisions. To see him in action, you can watch past Select Board meetings on RCTV.
In sum, Mark’s proven track record, his 20+ years of experience in Reading town government, and his calm and rational approach to differences have earned my vote. Please visit electmarkdockser.com for more information on Mark’s accomplishments and his vision for Reading, and join me in re-electing him on April 5.
Carolyn Johnson
Thorndike Street