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It is not about being a “GOOD” citizen!
A few weeks ago I posted on Facebook that I felt it violate the 13th amendment (involuntary servitude except as required by a court of law to do so) of the United States Constitution, for the Town to force me to remove snow from the sidewalk in front of my home.
In the 1930s the Nazi minority party took control and voted Adolph Hitler to office, one of the first he did was to abolish the German Constitution, the party then began a series of “involuntary” camps also known as concentration camps.
Those that forget history shall suffer it again! Again it is not about being a good citizen it is about protecting your rights that were defended by millions of men and women that gave their lives to protect you and your rights to criticize me for stating mine.
William C. BrownUSAF 1950-1954
28 Martin Road
781-944- 2807