A New Podcast by Alan Foulds

Alan Foulds is a local historian who has written several historically related articles in addition to his book, “Boston’s Ballparks & Arenas.” He is a major contributor to the writing of “At Wood End.” Mr. Foulds is also Reading’s Town Moderator.
Reading, MA — Alan Foulds has produced, written, and recorded a new podcast series that examines long-forgotten or never-recognized pieces of local history. By local, he means New England, with an emphasis on Eastern Massachusetts.
These podcasts highlight partially hidden pieces of our past – those that didn’t make the headlines or history books – but help to tell a complete story. You might never have heard of them, even though they’re in our own backyard. They are important links to the past that become lost in the shadows of the major events of our region.
Upcoming episodes are varied. They deal with such subjects as the fate of the Mayflower. Everyone knows the stories and legends of the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving, but what about the ship itself? What was its fate following its most famous voyage? Most intriguingly, does it still exist?
Another story seeks out a forgotten ballpark in Boston – one where Black Baseball was played. Living in the shadows of Fenway Park and Braves Field, it was the place to go on Saturday afternoons for high-quality baseball.
Have you ever heard of the Revere Disaster? It was a terrible train crash that cost several lives and eventually brought down the mighty Eastern Railroad.
Watch for these and other stories in the coming weeks as we look at our forgotten past.
Despite their obscurity, these tales & tidbits from the archives are meaningful, can be downright interesting, and are also history.