The Pleasant Street Center and Reading Elder & Human Services have published the October edition of “Pleasantries”

Dear Friends,
Happy Fall! It is hard to believe it has been over 3 months since the Pleasant Street Center opened its’ doors to welcome you all back! In spite of COVID not cooperating, we have managed to gradually add programming back while keeping everyone safe.
To ensure safety, we are still requiring sign–ups for ALL programs & activities, as well as appointments to meet with staff. We are asking that everyone please wear masks indoors. We keep you all in mind with every decision we make. We care about each of you and your safety is our primary concern. More fun events and programs are on the way– please stay tuned!
It is wonderful to see a full “Great Room” for bingo, art, Zumba, line dancing and so many other activities. It is so nice to be out of the house, but we need to recognize that this is still a challenging and difficult time for many. A lot of people are struggling. There are still so many unknowns causing fear and anxiety. It is helpful to remember to be patient and kind with yourself, others and our staff.
I would like to take a minute to acknowledge our hard-working Pleasant Street Center staff! I am grateful to work with each of you; Alyse, Kelly, Kerry and Joe! Thank you for all you do and for teaching me along the way!
Please let’s continue to support each other as we navigate this ongoing pandemic together. It is not easy on anyone but we WILL get through this.
Thank you so much. Please stay safe. There will be sunnier days ahead!
Best wishes,
Amy O’Brien
Elder & Human Services Administrator