Chief David Clark is pleased to announce that residents can now sign up for the Reading Police Department’s Citizen Police Academy this fall.
This free program is open to anyone 16 or older, but minors must obtain parental permission to attend. While out-of-town locals are welcome to sign up, if the class begins to reach capacity preference will be given to Reading residents.
Classes will be held every Monday from Sept. 13 through Nov. 8, from 7-9 p.m. at Reading Public Library, 64 Middlesex Ave. Participants must attend a minimum of six classes to have the opportunity to participate in a ride-along with a Reading Police officer.
Various members of the Reading Police Department will lead classes in their fields of expertise during the nine-week program. Topics will include investigations, firearms, traffic safety, accident investigations, domestic violence, community policing, crime prevention, patrol procedure, operating under the influence procedures, Rapid Response Team (R.R.T.) operations, dispatch procedures, Reading Fire Department response, emergency response, police, and schools and Reading Coalition for Prevention & Support.
A graduation ceremony for the program will be held during the last session of the program, on Monday, Nov. 8
“This is a great way for our community members to come together and learn more about the department’s daily operations and responsibilities while getting to know local law enforcement officers,” said Chief Clark. “We encourage all residents with an interest in the law enforcement profession to sign up for the course.”
To sign up for the program, please contact Community Service Officer Kristen O’Shaughnessy by calling 781-942-6761 or by emailing koshaughnessy@ci.reading.ma.us before Sept. 1.
To participate, applicants must pass a background check. Applicants will not be accepted if they have committed a serious crime in the past or have an open case.