The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post. editor@thereadingpost.com
Letter to the Editor:
After reading the concerns expressed by Ms. Tseckares about the Board of Health I feel that a short course in Reading 101 would be in order.
Article 4 Appointed Boards and Committees of the Town of Reading Rules Charter provides that the BOH along with eleven other boards and committees are appointed by the Select Board.
Article 6.1 Organization of town agencies That all agencies state above are placed in the table by the Town Manager in consultation with the Select Board and as a Bylaw is approved by Town Meeting.
That table of organization is found on page 100 of the Town of Reading Bylaw, Ms. Tseckares will see that the BOH falls under community services which is the assistant town manager. Funds needed by the BOH would come from the amount approved by the Town Meeting vote.
The health agent has the right as does any citizen to speak at a Select Board meeting solely at the discretion of the [Select Board] chair under open meeting law.
I agree with Ms. Tseckares that perhaps the use of masks should have started sooner. Perhaps on March 3 when many of us where exercising our first amendment right holding signs or collecting signatures for the recall so that the mask would cover our mouths. If you recall Ms. Tseckares remark when offered a cupcake, in her case perhaps also duct tape.
William C. Brown
Martin Road