The Select Board, modeling social distancing behavior, will be meeting virtually on Wednesday, April 1 at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be broadcast on RCTV (Verizon Channel 33, Comcast channel 22) as well as live-streamed online and on the RCTV Facebook page. “We want to allow for as much normalcy as possible.” Select Board chair Mark Dockser commented. The meeting will be recorded and uploaded to the RCTV YouTube channel as is normally done as well. According to Dockser, the meeting, originally scheduled for Tuesday the 31st, was delayed one day by issues with the state which was late in providing information to town government. “This is the new reality.” Dockser shared.
The board will have a full agenda, which includes updates from town departments, a vote to declare a state of emergency, which has been done by many municipalities in Massachusetts already, and to affirm a new health insurance agreement. “The core [of the meeting] is to see what’s happening with town operations” Dockser continued. “Non-essential services have been slowed down by order of the Governor, but essential services are up and running.”
Residents may provide public comment during the meeting using email. Any interested resident may email the board with questions and comments even while the meeting is progressing at selectboard@ci.reading.ma.us
Dockser highlighted links available on the municipal website (readingma.gov) for residents who have concerns regarding the Covid-19 virus or other questions about town services. These links can be accessed by clicking on the prominent red box just below the website header. “[Residents] can feel confident that they are safe, and for those who need help, there are resources available.” He concluded.