Reading, MA — On October 4, 2018, The Reading 375 Steering Committee was delighted to receive a $1,000 grant from the Cummings Properties Client Directed Giving Program, to support the celebration of Reading’s 375th anniversary. The Client Directed Giving Program allows Cummings Properties to honor the commitment of its long-term clients and give back to the towns and cities that support its business operations. The 375 Committee is grateful to Cummings Properties for their generosity and to Tom and Sarah Brukilacchio of Innovations in Optics Inc., who requested the grant.

Members of the Reading 375 Steering Committee accept a $1,000 grant from the Cummings Properties Client Directed Giving Program #CummingsCDG. (l-r) Amanda Foulds, Jeanne Borawski, Sarah Brukilacchio, Alan Foulds, Ace Foulds, Catherine Robertson, and Laura Gemme.
The Reading 375 Steering Committee is planning a two-week long celebration of Reading’s 375th anniversary between May 31 and June 15, 2019. The celebration will include a town-wide art show, concerts, community events, and more. Residents are encouraged to visit