On June 4th, 2016 Reading Police Officer David Savio participated in the 2016 Special Olympics Torch Run. The Mission of the Torch Run is to increase awareness and raise funds for the Special Olympics. The Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics is the movement’s largest grass-roots fundraiser and public awareness vehicle, At its most basic level the Torch Run is an actual running event, in which officers and athletes run the Flame of Hope to the Opening Ceremonies of local Special Olympics competitions and State and National Games. In Massachusetts, more than 1,000 members of the state’s Law Enforcement community participate in events organized through the Law Enforcement Torch Run program, raising over $550,000 in 2015. The Law Enforcement Torch Run helps transform communities by inspiring people to open their minds, to accept and include people with intellectual disabilities, celebrating differences among all people.
Hundreds of municipal, state, and federal officers formed a cruiser convoy escorting the Flame of Hope all the way to Harvard University, the venue for the local Special Olympics. Upon arrival, officers helped give the award medals to the participants.

Officer Savio and his son Robert with athlete Patricia, a local resident who won the Gold.